Bahaya Rokok : Kesan & Akibat Tabiat Merokok. Bahaya Kandungan Rokok Kepada Perokok & Orang Di Sekeliling
Monday, November 08, 2010
Khasiat, Kebaikan & Kelebihan Habbatus Sauda / Jintan Hitam
Saturday, November 06, 2010
Kandungan Rokok & Kesan Tabiat Merokok
Artikel & Info Kesihatan : Kesan & Akibat Tabiat Merokok. Bahaya Kandungan Rokok Kepada Perokok & Orang Di Sekeliling
Tembakau yang menjadi bahan utama dalam rokok, telah diperkenalkan secara menyeluruh, termasuk ke dunia Islam, oleh penjajah Barat yang beragama Kristian, dan ianya belum pernah dikenali di zaman Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Di kalangan masyarakat beratus tahun
1. "Bezakan diri mu dari kaum Musyrikin" ( Al-Bukhari & Muslim)
(Abu Daud)
Setiap batang rokok yang dinyalakan akan mengeluarkan lebih 4 000 bahan kimia beracun yang membahayakan dan boleh membawa maut. Dengan ini setiap sedutan itu menyerupai satu sedutan maut. Di antara kandungan asap rokok termasuklah bahan radioaktif (polonium-201) dan bahan-bahan yang digunakan di dalam cat (acetone), pencuci lantai (ammonia), ubat gegat (naphthalene), racun serangga (DDT), racun anai-anai
Karbon Monoksida pula adalah gas beracun yang biasanya dikeluarkan oleh ekzos kenderaan. Gas ini menjejaskan bekalkan oksigen ke tisu-tisu hingga ianya menjadi terencat dan akhirnya boleh menyebabkan maut sekiranya paras karbon monoksida di dalam badan melebihi 60%. Apabila racun rokok itu memasuki tubuh manusia ataupun haiwan, ianya akan membawa kerosakkan pada setiap organ disepanjang laluannya, iaitu bermula dari hidung, mulut, tekak, saluran pernafasan, paru-paru, saluran penghazaman, saluran darah, jantung, organ pembiakan, sehinggalah ke saluran kencing dan pundi kencing, iaitu apabila sebahagian dari racun-racun itu dikeluarkan dari badan .
Kesan Asap Rokok Kepada Si Perokok Dan Orang Disekeliling
Si perokok bukan sahaja perlu bertanggungjawab pada diri sendiri tetapi turut bertanggung jawab pada orang disekeliling akibat daripada bahaya asap rokok. Asap rokok yang dihidu oleh perokok atau mereka yang berada di sekelilingnya, akan memasuki rongga mulut dan hidung melalui kerongkong ke paru-paru. Kandungan asap rokok akan menyebabkan kerosakan tisu di sepanjang perjalanan di ruang ini. Ia boleh menyebabkan pelbagai penyakit di mulut, kerongkong, paru-paru dan barah. Asap akan melalui saluran pernafasan ke dalam paru-paru dan merosakkan saluran bronkus, menyebabkan bronkitis, penyakit di bahagian paru paru. Ia juga akan merosakkan pundi udara dalam paru-paru (alveoli) dan menyebabkan penyakit emfisima.
Asap rokok yang dihidu juga akan melalui saluran penghadaman dan pencernaan, yang boleh menyebabkan pelbagai penyakit di bahagian esofagus, perut dan pankreas.
Racun dalam asap rokok yang larut air akan memasuki sistem saluran darah dan dibawa ke seluruh badan. Bahan nikotin, bukan saja memberi sifat ketagihan, malah menyebabkan saluran darah arteri menjadi sempit. Ia juga merosakkan dinding arteri dan akan memudaratkan organ berkaitan.
Kesan ini, dalam jangka panjang, akan menyebabkan simptom kebas pada kaki, jari, migrain, sakit kepala, pedih ulu hati, kekejangan otot kaki, serangan penyakit jantung dan sebagainya.
Racun rokok akhirnya disaring dalam buah pinggang dan dihapuskan dari badan melalui air kencing. Dalam proses ini pula, berlaku satu lagi keracunan hasil penguraian kimia asap rokok yang turut merosakkan buah pinggang. Racun dalam air kencing juga menyebabkan kerosakan pundi kencing.
Racun akibat merokok juga mempunyai kesan tindak balas terhadap ubat-ubatan. Secara umum diketahui merokok boleh menjejaskan fungsi beberapa kumpulan enzim di hati dan ada kalanya ia boleh memperhebatkan kesan sampingan sesuatu ubat itu.
Kesan Asap Rokok
Terhadap Isteri Perokok Adalah :
- Melahirkan bayi yang kurang berat badan
- Melahirkan bayi yang tidak cukup bulan
- Lebih terdedah kepada kanser
- Mengurangkan kesuburan dan putus haid awal
Kesan Asap Rokok Terhadap Anak Perokok :
- Lebih mudah mendapat lelah
- Mendapat jangkitan paru-paru
- Pertumbuhan paru-paru kanak-kanak terganggu
- Mudah menjadi perokok apabila dewasa kelak
Statistik Kematian Akibat Tabiat Merokok
Di Malaysia, merokok menyumbang kepada lebih 10,000 kematian setahun; 30 peratus daripadanya disebabkan 10 jenis kanser, iaitu paru-paru, mulut, esofagus, tekak, pankreas, pundi kencing, buah pinggang, serviks, kolon dan perut, 50 peratus kematian berpunca daripada sakit jantung dan strok dengan pecahan 25 peratus masing-masing.
Menurut Dr Sallehudin, lebih 100,000 perokok dimasukkan ke hospital kerajaan di seluruh negara akibat sakit jantung, kanser dan penyakit sekatan pulmonari kronik (COPD) dan lebih penting, negara mengalami kerugian kira-kira RM20 bilion setahun bagi menanggung kos rawatan dan kehilangan produktiviti.
Faedah Berhenti Merokok
- Hidup lebih lama
- Dapat menghindari racun
- Dapat melindungi diri, keluarga dan orang lain daripada bahaya merokok
- Menjadi teladan yang baik kepada anak-anak
- Dapat meningkatkan kecergasan serta memiliki tubuh yang sihat
- Meningkatkan deria rasa dan bau
- Gigi lebih putih dan nafas lebih segar
- Dapat mengelakkan budaya membazir dengan menggunakan wang untuk membeli rokok kepada tujuan yang lebih baik dan bermanfaat.
Gunakan Kaedah Yang Betul Untuk Berhenti Merokok
- Tetapkan tarikh untuk berhenti merokok
- Yakinkan diri
- Buat nota peringatan
- Katakan pada diri anda, "Aku bukan perokok"
- Tumpukan pada hari ini
- Sentiasa berfikiran positif
- Dapatkan sokongan
- Lawan keinginan untuk merokok
- Gunakan Terapi atau rawatan yang sesuai
- Amalkan Petua 10 M untuk berhenti merokok
Vibration Liquid Chlorophyll (Minuman Klorofil Alfalfa)
Membantu menyingkirkan segala racun dan toksik di dalam tubuh akibat kandungan
rokok yang merbahaya. Sangat baik diamalkan seisi keluarga.
Seri Wajah 99 C6
Formula bagi membantu mereka yang ingin berhenti merokok. Ia berfugsi
menghilangkan ketagihan merokok.
- Pusat Racun Negara, USM Official Website
- Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia Official Website
- Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia Official Website – IKIM Dalam Media – Berita Harian
- Persendirian
Forex Beginner | Forex Glossary
Ask Price ¨C Sometimes called the Offer Price, this is the market price for traders to buy currencies. Ask Prices are shown on the right side of a quote ¨C e.g. EUR/USD 1.1965 / 68 ¨C means that one euro can be bought for 1.1968 UD dollars.
Bar Chart ¨C A type of chart used in Technical Analysis. Each time division on the chart is displayed as a vertical bar which show the following information ¨C the top of the bar is the high price, the bottom of the bar is the low price, the horizontal line on the left of the bar shows the opening price and the horizontal line on the right of bar shows the closing price.
Base Currency ¨C is the first currency in a currency pair. A quote shows how much the base currency is worth in the quote (second) currency. For example, in the quote - USD/JPY 112.13 ¨C US dollars are the base currency, with 1 US dollar being worth 112.13 Japanese yen.
Bid Price ¨C is the price a trader can sell currencies. The Bid Price is shown on the left side of a quote - e.g. EUR/USD 1.1965 / 68 ¨C means that one euro can be sold for 1.1965 UD dollars.
Bid/Ask Spread ¨C is the difference between the bid price and the ask price in any currency quotation. The spread represents the broker's fee, and varies from broker to broker.
Broker ¨C the intermediary between buyer and seller. Most FOREX brokers are associated with large financial institutions and earn money by setting a spread between bid and ask prices.
Candlestick Chart - A type of chart used in Technical Analysis. Each time division on the chart is displayed as a candlestick ¨C a red or green vertical bar with extensions above and below the candlestick body. The top of the extension shows the highest price for the chart division and the bottom of the extension shows the lowest price. Red candlesticks indicate a lower closing price than opening price, and green candlesticks indicate the price is rising.
Cross Currency ¨C A currency pair that does not include US dollars ¨C e.g. EUR/GBP.
Currency Pair ¨C Two currencies involved in a FOREX transaction ¨C e.g. EUR/USD.
Economic Indicator ¨C A statistical report issued by governments or academic institutions indicating economic conditions within a country.
First In First Out (FIFO) ¨C refers to the order open orders are liquidated. The first orders to be liquidated are the first that were opened.
Foreign Exchange (FOREX, FX) ¨C Simultaneously buying one currency and selling another.
Fundamental Analysis ¨C Analysis of political and economic conditions that can affect currency prices.
Leverage or Margin ¨C The ratio of the value of a transaction to the required deposit. A common margin for FOREX trading is 100:1 ¨C you can trade currency worth 100 times the amount of your deposit.
Limit Order ¨C An order to buy or sell when the price reaches a specified level.
Lot ¨C The size of a FOREX transaction. Standard lots are worth about 100,000 US dollars.
Major Currency ¨C The euro, German mark, Swiss franc, British pound, and the Japanese yen are the major currencies.
Minor Currency ¨C The Canadian dollar, the Australian dollar, and the New Zealand dollar are the minor currencies.
One Cancels the Other (OCO) ¨C Two orders placed simultaneously with instructions to cancel the second order on execution of the first.
Open Position ¨C An active trade that has not been closed.
Pips or Points ¨C The smallest unit a currency can be traded in.
Quote Currency ¨C The second currency in a currency pair. In the currency pair USD/EUR the euro is the quote currency.
Rollover ¨C Extending the settlement time of spot deals to the current delivery date. The cost of rollover is calculated using swap points based on interest rate differentials.
Technical Analysis ¨C Analysis of historical market data to predict future movements in the market.
Tick ¨C The minimum change in price.
Transaction Cost ¨C The cost of a FOREX transaction ¨C typically the spread between bid and ask prices.
Volatility ¨C A statistical measure indicating the tendency of sharp price movements within a period of time.
By Norman Fleming (Author)
Foreign Exchange Forex Beginner | Forex Glossary
Ask Price ¨C Sometimes called the Offer Price, this is the market price for traders to buy currencies. Ask Prices are shown on the right side of a quote ¨C e.g. EUR/USD 1.1965 / 68 ¨C means that one euro can be bought for 1.1968 UD dollars.
Bar Chart ¨C A type of chart used in Technical Analysis. Each time division on the chart is displayed as a vertical bar which show the following information ¨C the top of the bar is the high price, the bottom of the bar is the low price, the horizontal line on the left of the bar shows the opening price and the horizontal line on the right of bar shows the closing price.
Base Currency ¨C is the first currency in a currency pair. A quote shows how much the base currency is worth in the quote (second) currency. For example, in the quote - USD/JPY 112.13 ¨C US dollars are the base currency, with 1 US dollar being worth 112.13 Japanese yen.
Bid Price ¨C is the price a trader can sell currencies. The Bid Price is shown on the left side of a quote - e.g. EUR/USD 1.1965 / 68 ¨C means that one euro can be sold for 1.1965 UD dollars.
Bid/Ask Spread ¨C is the difference between the bid price and the ask price in any currency quotation. The spread represents the broker's fee, and varies from broker to broker.
Broker ¨C the intermediary between buyer and seller. Most FOREX brokers are associated with large financial institutions and earn money by setting a spread between bid and ask prices.
Candlestick Chart - A type of chart used in Technical Analysis. Each time division on the chart is displayed as a candlestick ¨C a red or green vertical bar with extensions above and below the candlestick body. The top of the extension shows the highest price for the chart division and the bottom of the extension shows the lowest price. Red candlesticks indicate a lower closing price than opening price, and green candlesticks indicate the price is rising.
Cross Currency ¨C A currency pair that does not include US dollars ¨C e.g. EUR/GBP.
Currency Pair ¨C Two currencies involved in a FOREX transaction ¨C e.g. EUR/USD.
Economic Indicator ¨C A statistical report issued by governments or academic institutions indicating economic conditions within a country.
First In First Out (FIFO) ¨C refers to the order open orders are liquidated. The first orders to be liquidated are the first that were opened.
Foreign Exchange (FOREX, FX) ¨C Simultaneously buying one currency and selling another.
Fundamental Analysis ¨C Analysis of political and economic conditions that can affect currency prices.
Leverage or Margin ¨C The ratio of the value of a transaction to the required deposit. A common margin for FOREX trading is 100:1 ¨C you can trade currency worth 100 times the amount of your deposit.
Limit Order ¨C An order to buy or sell when the price reaches a specified level.
Lot ¨C The size of a FOREX transaction. Standard lots are worth about 100,000 US dollars.
Major Currency ¨C The euro, German mark, Swiss franc, British pound, and the Japanese yen are the major currencies.
Minor Currency ¨C The Canadian dollar, the Australian dollar, and the New Zealand dollar are the minor currencies.
One Cancels the Other (OCO) ¨C Two orders placed simultaneously with instructions to cancel the second order on execution of the first.
Open Position ¨C An active trade that has not been closed.
Pips or Points ¨C The smallest unit a currency can be traded in.
Quote Currency ¨C The second currency in a currency pair. In the currency pair USD/EUR the euro is the quote currency.
Rollover ¨C Extending the settlement time of spot deals to the current delivery date. The cost of rollover is calculated using swap points based on interest rate differentials.
Technical Analysis ¨C Analysis of historical market data to predict future movements in the market.
Tick ¨C The minimum change in price.
Transaction Cost ¨C The cost of a FOREX transaction ¨C typically the spread between bid and ask prices.
Volatility ¨C A statistical measure indicating the tendency of sharp price movements within a period of time.
By Norman Fleming (Author)
Calculating Foreign Exchange FOREX Profits and Losses
Currencies are traded in lots of various sizes. The standard lot is 100,000 units of the base currency. A unit is the currency name e.g. one unit of US dollars is the dollar. So a standard lot of US currency is worth $100,000. FOREX trades can have lots of various sizes - a mini lot is 10,000 units, but the most trades are done using standard lots.
Various currencies have different sized pips. The US dollar is expressed in pips of 0.0001 while the Japanese yen is expressed in pips of 0.01. The value of a pip depends on the size of a lot and the currency pair traded. Currency pairs with USD as the quote (second) currency (e.g. CAD/USD) always have a pip value of $10 per standard lot or $1 per mini lot. A pip value calculator can be used to calculate other currencies.
Order Types
A trader has at his disposal different types of orders to make FOREX trades. A clear understanding of each type of order is necessary to be a successful FOREX trader.
Market Order - is an order to buy or sell at the current market price. They can be used to enter or exit a trade. Market orders should be used with care because in fast-moving markets there may be a difference between the price seen at the time a market order is given and the actual price of the transaction. This is due to slippage - the amount the market moves in the few seconds between giving an order and having it executed. Slippage could result in a loss or gain of several pips.
Limit Order - is an order to buy or sell at a certain limit. They can be used to buy currency below the market price or sell currency above the market price. When buying, your order is executed when the market falls to your limit order price. When selling, your order is executed when the market rises to your limit order price. There is no slippage with limit orders.
Stop Order - is an order to buy above the market or to sell below the market. They are most commonly used as stop-loss orders to limit losses if the market moves contrary to what the trader expected. A stop-loss order will sell the currency if the market falls below the point set by the trader.
One Cancels the Other (OCO) - this order is used when placing a limit order and a stop-loss order at the same time. If either order is executed the other is cancelled, allowing the trader to make a transaction without monitoring the market. If the market falls, the stop-loss order will be executed, but if the market rises to the level of the limit order, the currency will be sold at a profit.
Example OCO Transaction:
Buy: 1 standard lot EUR/USD @ 1.3228 = $132,280
Pip Value: 1 pip = $10
Stop-Loss: 1.3203
Limit: 1.3328
This is an order to buy US dollars at 1.3328 and to sell them if they fall to 1.3203 (resulting in a loss of 25 pips or $250) or to sell them if they rise to 1.3328 (resulting in a profit of 100 pips or $1,000).
Here's another example:
The current bid/ask price for US dollars and Canadian dollars is
USD/CDN 1.2152/57
...meaning you can buy $1 US for 1.2152 CDN or sell 1.2157 CDN for $1 US.
If you think that the US dollar (USD) is undervalued against the Canadian dollar (CDN) you would buy USD (simultaneously selling CDN) and wait for the US dollar to rise.
This is the transaction:
Buy USD: 1 standard lot USD/CDN @ 1.2157 = $121,570 CDN
Pip Value: 1 pip = $10
Stop-Loss: 1.2147
Margin: $1,000 (1%)
You are buying US$100,000 and selling CDN$121,570. Your stop loss order will be executed if the dollar falls below 1.2147, in which case you will lose $100.
However, USD/CDN rises to 1.2192/87. You can now sell $1 US for 1.2192 CDN or sell 1.2187 CDN for $1 US.
Because you entered the transaction by buying US dollars (buying long), you must now sell US dollars and buy back CDN dollars to realize your profit.
You sell US$100,000 at the current USD/CDN rate of 1.2192, and receive 121,920 CDN for which you originally paid CDN$121,570. Your profit is $350 Canadian dollars or US$287.19 (350 divided by the current exchange rate of 1.2187).
Forex Brokers
A FOREX broker needs to be associated with a large financial institution such as a bank in order to provide the funds necessary for margin trading. In the United States a broker should be registered as a Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) as protection against fraud and abusive trade practices.
Before trading FOREX you need to set up an account with a FOREX broker. You may feel overwhelmed by the number of brokers who offer their services online. Deciding on a broker requires a little bit of research on your part, but the time spent will give you insight into the services that are available and fees charged by various brokers.
The best advertising is word-of-mouth advertising, and this is just as valid in FOREX trading as it is for any other type of business. Talk to friends and associates to see who they are dealing with and find if they have any complaints or difficulties in dealing with a particular broker.
You could try selecting a few online brokers and contact their Internet help desks to see how quickly they respond to enquiries and whether or not they answer questions to your satisfaction. Keep in mind, however, that pre-sales service may be better than after sales service. This can be true for any online business, not just FOREX brokers.
Customer satisfaction and safety are just part of the story. You want to find a broker who executes orders quickly and with minimum slippage. All online brokers should offer automatic execution and have clear policies regarding slippage. They should be able to tell you how much slippage can be expected in both normal and fast-moving markets.
Next you want to know the fees involved. What is the spread? Is spread fixed or variable according to the type of account? Are mini accounts subject to wider spreads? Are there any other charges? Smaller spreads mean more profit for the trader, but there may be a trade-off between spread and service. Look at the overall picture before deciding to go with a particular broker.
Margin accounts are the lifeblood of FOREX trading, so be sure you understand the broker's margin terms before setting up an account. You need to know the margin requirements and how margin is calculated. Does margin change according to the currency traded? Is it the same every day of the week? Some brokers may offer different margins for mini and standard accounts.
Trading software is very important for the online FOREX trader. Get a feel for the options that are available by trying out a demo account at a few online brokers. Above all, you are looking for reliability and the ability to perform well in fast-moving markets. The software should offer automatic trading and may have special features such as trailing stops and trading from the chart. Some features may only be available at an extra cost, so be sure you understand what your trading needs are and how much the broker charges to provide them.
Other information to find out about includes the broker's policy regarding minimum account balances, interest payments on account balances, which currencies can be traded and whether or not non-standard sized lots can be traded. You should also find out whether clients' funds are insured and the extent of that insurance.
Forex Tools
In order to make rational, successful trades, the FOREX trader needs information - lots of information. Current exchange rates are the tip of the iceberg - the trader needs historical data as well as current information about political and economic conditions that could affect currency prices. All this information is provided by many FOREX brokers on their web sites.
Successful FOREX trading relies on making accurate assessments of current political and economic conditions. Being able to predict whether a currency will fall or rise against another currency allows the FOREX trader to profit from currency movements.
There are two basic trading methods for buying and selling currencies. Reactive trading means the trader responds to changes in the political or economic climate. Speculative trading means the trader makes buying decisions based on predictions on how the market will respond to current events. While most FOREX trading is speculative, both types of trade require up-to-the-minute information and an analysis of current and historical conditions.
Traders rely on both fundamental and technical analyses. Fundamental analysis is based on news information about political conditions, economic policies, trade patterns, interest rates and unemployment rates. Technical analysis relies on historical charting to identify trends and patterns over time. Information needed for both types of analyses is available in real time on the Internet. Most online brokers offer live news feeds and streaming rates for observing minute by minute changes in the market.
All this information can help you decide which currencies to buy. More tools are available to help you minimize your risk and maximize your profits.
The Risk Probability Calculator (RPC) can be used to identify trades that have more potential gain than potential loss. The RPC can also help you target exit points to end the trade.
Pivot Points can be used to predict movements of currency prices. They are calculated as an average of the currencies high, low and closing prices. Pivot Point Calculators tell you whether prices fall in the normal trading range or extreme trading ranges.
Pip value calculators are used to tell you the value of each pip (smallest currency unit) according to various sized lots. Pip calculators can tell you the actual profit or loss that will result from movements in the FOREX.
Once a trader has decided which currency pair to trade, he logs on to his online account provided by his broker. The desired currency pair is entered and the current exchange rate appears on the screen. The amount of the trade is entered (how much currency you wish to buy). Some brokers may give you the option of specifying the amount you wish to risk. This automatically enters a 'stop loss rate' into your order.
After the details of the trade are entered, you will be taken to a confirmation screen where you can accept the current price on screen. You may be given the option of 'freezing' the quoted price, meaning the price of your transaction is exactly what you see on screen without any slippage. Accept the rate and your deal is running.
Just as you can enter a 'stop loss rate' to automatically sell the currency if it falls below a certain rate, you can enter a 'take profit rate' to automatically sell the currency when it reaches a certain level. If you don't enter a 'take profit rate' you need to monitor the movement of the currency to decide when to close the deal and take either your profits or your losses.